Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Exploring the layout composer
Will add video from device

The video above were uploaded from NEXUS7, as dot.3GP file, I could see thumbnail preview at compose window, but on VIEW mode, the unable flash logo shows on the video window


This section was inadvertantly saved as draft, and the only text was written was 2012, on top left and I added the remaining text here as you re reading right now and will add more video if possible

Now I have to use the technique of writing outside the blogger text screen, because Δ , what happen is when I try to call the on screen keyboard, the text input screen won't show and renders what I am typing is by trial and error. This way I get to see the text I am typing, on ES Note Editor. Now will cut and paste to blogger Δ

I lost another entry because I didn't update them




The test is successful and I have proven 3 things. NEXUS7 could be used to write text[some device won't let me] pictures could be added, and could be posted and viewed.

At this entry will maybe change the font and will add link as test

Link to You Tube

I am testing if I can make an entry on BLOG, using NEXUS7. And I am on the typing mode but not sure if I could post or publish them

Monday, February 20, 2012

in the beginning-ECLECTIKO

A friend suggested a site, to share some discovered or encountered site. and suggested the name ECLESIA, and i wonder why? because it is derived from the word "Eclectic", and as i searched for the meaning of it, [ ], realized that it's a good name. but then, just thought of having the origin word intact in someway, and a little modification of the word by changing "C" to "K", and added "O" in the end.

In a way it also serves as blog, of all those interesting, and wonderful site, to be remembered and also to be shared with humanity...instead of just being buried in our bookmarks or histories, provided by the web browsers.

another thing also is, the information contained will last long as the INTERNET is ALIVE...

[for start i got linked in my head of this site that i posted on group HUMANITY for HUMANITY]
Community engagement plays a key role in the DMTrmx experience, and the project encourages the world to study and assemble new juxtapositions from the anthology. By generating films, music, installations, paintings, eBooks, or anything else imaginable through exploration, the user experience influences all aspects of knowledge (artistic, philosophical, political, spiritual, scientific, technological, and so on). Humanity will be able to view new films and general content via mobile apps (iPhone/iPad, Android phones/tablets), cable/satellite VOD, digital downloads (iTunes, YouTube, Amazon), Internet enabled TV/Blu-ray, set-top boxes, gaming consoles, and physical environments (festivals, conferences, etc). The remixes in the online and physical magnify the cross-referenced collection of knowledge pushing it to the tipping point, and shifting the paradigm of consciousness.

this is a learning experience, and hope it could be useful to the mind who enters...